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Universitätsverein Bayreuth e. V.

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The Univerein holds foundations in trust as assets that are separate from the organization’s general assets. These foundations serve to support international relations and various areas of research at the University of Bayreuth.

International Relations

The aim of this foundation is to support the University of Bayreuth’s international academic relationships. It supports relationships in teaching and research with foreign universities, research centres, and other institutions, especially via symposia, partnerships, the exchange of professors and other scientists, and similar forms of cooperation.

  • Chairman of the Foundation Board: Dr. Michael Hohl (1st Chairman of the Univerein)
  • Chairman of the Foundation Council: Prof. Dr. Nina Nestler (Vice President for Internationalization, Gender Equality & Diversity)

Dr. Paul und Edith Müllner Stipendienstiftung

The purpose of the Foundation is to support students of the University of Bayreuth who are in need or worthy of support due to their willingness to perform, in particular by awarding scholarships.

  • Chairman of the Foundation Board: Dr. Michael Hohl (1st Chairman of the Univerein)
  • Chairman of the Foundation Council: Prof. Dr. Martin Huber (Vice President for Teaching & Learning)


The Josef Schmidt Foundation serves to promote education. It supports students of economics at the University of Bayreuth by awarding short-term scholarships.

  • Chairman of the Foundation Board: Dr. Michael Hohl (1st Chairman of the Univerein)


he Otto Warburg Chemistry Foundation serves to promote research and teaching in chemistry at the University of Bayreuth and to present chemistry to the public. It supports post-doctoral theses, dissertations and other research projects and promotes relations in research and teaching with domestic and foreign universities, research facilities and institutions, in particular symposia, partnerships and exchanges of professors and other scientists, as well as similar forms of cooperation. Every year, the Otto Warburg Chemistry Foundation awards prizes to the best graduates of the year in the Department of Chemistry. Here you will find the award winners from 2019.

  • Chairman of the Foundation Board: Dr. Michael Hohl (1st Chairman of the Univerein)
  • Chairman of the Foundation Council: Dr. Eric Hoffmann (Representative of the Dr. Heinz Hoffmann family) 

Webmaster: Nico Schmidtner

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